UKELG 48th Meeting

Ignition and Explosion Hazards of industrial gas and fuel mixtures


Experiments with liquid hydrogen Phil Hooker, HSL

LNG source term spillage modelling David Webber, HSL

Practical modelling & hazard assessment of LPG/LNG releases Tony Ennis, Haztech Consultants

Modelling LNG vaporization rate following release

Velisa Vesovic, Imperial College

CFD simulation of secondary flame explosion development above volatile liquidfuels

Neal Wannell Imperial College

A droplet vaporisation model for liquid cascades

Aziz Ungut, Shell Global Solutions

A physical model of the Buncefield gas cloud formation Jerry Havens, Arkansas University

CFD analysis for petrol overfilling incidents Simon Coldrick, HSL

Practical assessment of vapour cloud risks at fuel depots and chemical sites Graham Atkinson, HSL

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