What is UKELG?
UKELG is a subject interest group which aims to stimulate the informal exchange of information on all aspects of explosions, including the analysis and prevention of accidental explosions.
UKELG is a registered charity, number 1080033. Click here to see the current trustees’ report. Click here to see the Constitution.
How does it function?
Each year, on average, two UKELG meetings are organised by the committee. The topics discussed cover all aspects of explosion and related loss prevention. Usually there is a ‘state of the art’ talk, which introduces the topic under discussion, followed by further shorter talks presented by workers active in that area.
The UKELG committee are looking to the future. A short questionnaire has been sent to known participants and is also available here. Any further contributions would be appreciated. Alternatively if you have any suggestions for future meetings, please email the secretary from here
Are the proceedings published?
UKELG aims to provide a forum for the discussion of the current status and developments within the chosen topic areas. To achieve this it actively encourages the presentation of recent research results, especially work in progress and ideas in the making, coupled with a full and frank discussion of the topics covered. So as not to inhibit informal discussions and contributions, the proceedings are not published. At the request of the authors or with their agreement, some presentations are placed on this website, and these appear as links from the programmes of previous meetings accessible from the link below.
Who can attend?
Any interested person is free to attend meetings, on payment of an appropriate fee to cover running costs. There is no annual membership fee. If you wish to be added to the emailing list to receive notifications of meeting please email the secretary from here.
How is it organised?
The activities of UKELG are co-ordinated by a small committee drawn from industry, consultancy firms and universities. Meetings are held at universities, and scientific and research establishments all over the UK.
Click here to see a tribute to Professor D Huw Edwards, a co-founder of UKELG who died in 2003.
When is the next meeting
Details of the next UKELG discussion meeting can be found on the Meetings page available here.
A list of topics for possible future meetings is available here.
Previous Meetings
A list of the previous UKELG meetings is available here. In many cases, presentations that were made at each meeting are also available via links from the meeting programmes.
Other sites of interest
Links to details of other meetings and websites that may be of interest:
The Combustion Institute is an educational non-profit, international, scientific society whose purpose is to promote and disseminate research in combustion science. There are 29 Sections of the Combustion Institute. The main activity of the Combustion Institute is the International Symposium on Combustion. The symposia attract members of the Combustion Institute as well as others interested in combustion from around the world. The synergism produced at these symposia makes them the principal forum for presenting and integrating combustion research results.
FABIG – The Fire and Blast Information Group is a non-profit, cross-industry membership based organisation committed to the dissemination of knowledge and best practice and the development of guidance on the prevention and mitigation of fires and explosions and on the protection of facilities and personnel against fires and explosions. The group has currently over 60 members which include oil and gas companies, legislators, certifying authorities, design contractors, specialist consultants, equipment manufacturers and research centres. FABIG holds quarterly Technical Meetings in London and Aberdeen where invited specialists give presentations on topics of interest to the members. In addition, FABIG publishes a quarterly technical Newsletter and uses the latest available research results to produce an annual Technical Note for its members. The next meeting entitled “Managing Fire and Explosion Hazards in a Low Oil Price Environment” will be held on 21st March 2018 in Aberdeen and on 22nd March 2018 in London and via Live Webcast.
The website of the Institution of Chemical Engineers’ Safety and Loss Prevention, Special Interest Group has a very useful selection of links under “Resources” relevant to their subject areas, including the Hazards symposia archive.
The Explosion Research Cooperative (formerly known as the Technology Cooperative), is a jointindustry research program organized by Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants, Inc. (BakerRisk) in 1993. The Cooperative program is funded by chemical, petrochemical and refining companies interested in understanding and predicting explosion hazards and their consequences on buildings, process equipment and people, as well as preventing or mitigating explosions, analyzing siting of occupied buildings, designing protective structures, and upgrading existing buildings. The goal of this ongoing program is to undertake studies aimed at solving problems common throughout these industries with the results, benefits, and costs being shared by all participating companies. The projects, scope of work, and proposed budgets for the studies are defined by vote of all participating companies at Cooperative meetings.
The Combustion Physics Group of the Institute of Physics provides a forum for the discussion of the physical aspects of flames, ignition, detonation and related topics. It is concerned with these issues both at a fundamental level and in the context of the practical use of wanted combustion processes in engines, boilers and other systems and unwanted combustion in the form of fires and explosions. Emphasis on the physical aspects of combustion is continuing to increase rapidly. The Group was formed in 1973 and current membership comprises a good mix of industrialists and academics.