UKELG 52nd Meeting

Dust Expolosions

University of Leeds, TUESDAY 23rd September 2014

Gordon Andrews (University of Leeds)

Difficulties (and solutions) in measuring explosibility parameters for biomass dusts.

Clara Huescar Medina (University of Leeds / DNV GL)

Explosibility characteristics of wood biomass dust, torrefied biomass, coal and coal/biomass mixtures.

Steve Sherwen ( ABB Consulting)

Hazardous area classification for biomass.

Rohan Samaraweera (GexCon UK)

The influence on reduced explosion pressure due to the layout of adjacent explosion vent panels and the potential interaction of combustion flow from large silos during explosion relief.

Paul Holbrow (HSL)

Flameless Venting – Dust Explosions

Stephen Puttick (Syngenta)

Current Work on Dust Test Method Standardisation – ongoing work in CEN and IEC/ISO.

Alan Tyldesley (Haztech)

Wood based biomass for power generation, controlling the risks from self-heating and dust explosions.

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