Mist Explosions
HSL Buxton, 9th September 2009
Prof. Phil Bowen, Cardiff University
Mist Explosions – an overview
Roger Santon, HSL Buxton
Mist explosions – incident survey
Henk Witlox, DNV Software and Prof. Phil Bowen, Cardiff University
Two phase jet releases and droplet dispersion: experiments, droplet size correlation development and model validation
Dr Epaminondas Mastorakos, Cambridge University
Flame propagation in laminar and turbulent sprays
Dr Malcolm Lawes, University of Leeds
Measurement of laminar burning rates of aerosol mixtures
Stephen Puttick, Syngenta
Flammable mists of materials below their flash point: industrial issues and characterisation
Nigel Allen, Chilworth Technology Ltd
Mist fires and explosions: fact or myth?
David Holton, SIRA
Protecting electrical equipment against mist hazards
Ian Buckland, HSE
Mist explosions and DSEAR – the HSE view
Brian Smith, QMI Ltd