UKELG 33rd Meeting

Modelling of Explosions and Reactive Flow

University of Birmingham, 14-15th April 2003

Monday 14th April

Brian Dobson, Uniquema

Future Research in Alkoxylation Process Safety

Tim Snee, HSL, Buxton

The influence of surfactant on thermal runaway in a vented reactor (EU AWARD Project)

Joel Daou, UMIST

Effect of heat-loss on premixed flames in presence of a flow field

Brian Lambourn, AWE

An Analytic Model for the early stages of SDT in a heterogeneous explosive

John Dold, UMIST

The structure and stability of premixed flames modelled using branching chemistry

John Lyman, Los Alamos

Modelling Laser Induced Ignition of HMX

Andy McIntosh, Leeds

Hot Spot Ignition within Reactive Material

Sergei Sahzin, Brighton

Delayed thermal explosion in flammable gas containing fuel droplets

Malcolm Cook, Qinetiq

Cook-off experiments and modelling

Tuesday 15th April

Stewart Cant, Cambridge

Coupled Modelling of Gas Explosions and Structural Response

Jonathan Puttock, Shell Global Solutions

Recent developments in the Shell gas-explosion models (CAM, SCOPE, EXSIM)

Kevin Kendall, Birmingham

Fuel cell topic

Mark Short, Illinois

Oscillatory combustion in microscale channels and burners.

Caroline Lowe, Cambridge

Numerical methods for two-phase detonating flows

Alec Milne, Fluid Gravity

Modelling of afterburning of TNT

Greg Fairlie, Century Dynamics

Simulation of Mine Blast using Euler-Lagrange Coupling

Sam Falle, Leeds

Relaxation shock structures

James Oliver, Nottingham

Thin-film theories for two-phase reactive flow models of active cell motion

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