UKELG 30th Meeting

Explosions in Flammable Aerosols, Mists and Dusts

School of Engineering, Queens Building, University of Wales – Cardiff, 18th September 2001

Dr. Geoff Lunn, HSL Buxton

Some Recent Work on Ignitions in Dust Clouds and Dust Deposits

Dr. Arief Dahoe, University of Cambridge

Determination of the Laminar Burning Velocity and the Markstein Length of Dust-Air Flames

Dr David Evans, Fluid Gravity (St Andrews)

Numerical Modelling of Two Phase Detonations

Mr. Antonios Markos, University of Wales – Cardiff

Source Terms for Two-Phase Mist Explosions

Mr. Will Medd, Aberystwyth University

Aerodynamic Break-up of Liquids in Shock Waves: Influence of non-Newtonian Fluid Properties

Mr. Andrew Crawford, University of Wales – Cardiff

Studies of Explosion/Mist Interaction in a Novel Cloud Chamber/ Combustor

Dr S Ibrahim, Loughborough University

On the Application of Compressible Large Eddy Simulation in Vented Explosions

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