UKELG 28th Meeting

Explosion Chemistry

Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, 6 December 2000

Prof. Juergen Warnatz, University of Heidelberg

Reaction Kinetics of Ignition Processes

Dr. Paul Seakins, University of Leeds

An Overview of Experimental and Theoretical Methods for Studying

Elementary Radical Reactions at Extreme Conditions

Dr. Caroline Lowe, University of Cambridge

Non-Linear Aspects of Propellant Combustion

Dr. Philip Stopford, AEA Technology

CFD Model for the Simulation of Ignition in Lean Methane-Air Mixtures

Dr. Peter Haskins, DERA, Fort Halstead, Kent

Detonics Modelling at DERA

Dr. Arief Dahoe, Delft University of Technology

Burning Velocity of Premixed Gases and Dust-Air Mixtures

Prof. Bill Byers Brown, University of Manchester

Theory of Non-Ideal Detonations

Prof. Martin Braithwaite, RMCS Shrivenham

Ethylene Oxide Decomposition Studies

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