UKELG 22nd Meeting

Explosion Mitigation

Selwyn College, Cambridge, 16 September 1997

Dr. Mike Johnson, BG plc Research and Technology, Loughborough

Influence of Droplet Size on Water Spray Mitigation

Mr. Chris Selby, The Steel Construction Institute

Blast and Fire Engineering Project- Phase 2: Effect of Water Deluge

Mr. Derek Pratt, HSE Offshore Safety Division, Bootle

The Implications of New Research on Water Spray Mitigation

Dr Geraint Thomas, University of Wales, Aberystwyth

Estimation of Quenching Limit for Laminar Methane-Air Flames due to Water Droplet Evaporation

Dr. Peter Moore, Kidde International, Thame Mitigation of Explosions – Active Measures

Mr. Steve Holland, AIGIS Engineering Solutions, Derby The TABRE System and Practical Blast Attenuation

Mr. David Long, IMI Amal Ltd., Birmingham

Principles of Detonation Arresters and European Standards for Flame Arresters

Dr. Geraint Thomas, University of Wales, Aberystwyth

Towards a Model for Explosion Mitigation in Narrow Channels

Dr. Roth Phylaktou, Dept of Fuel and Energy, University of Leeds

Recent Results on Explosion Scaling: Stronger Dependence on Scale than Anticipated?

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