Solid Explosions
RMCS, 20 September 1995
Dr Peter Dickson, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University
Characteristics of the ignition and detonation of solids
Prof. W Byers Brown, UMIST
Equations of State for reactants and products in condensed phase detonations
Damian Swift, AWE Aldermaston
Detonation wave propagation: the WBL model
Dr Geraint Thomas, Univ.College of Wales, Aberystwyth
Ignition of Clouds of Solid Explosive dusts
Damian Swift, AWE Aldermaston
Equations of state for metals + exp aluminium results
Prof. Alan Bailey, R.M.C.Shrivenham
Use of the DISPRE Programme in predicting the breakup of buildings
Paul Cooke, Kidde Fire Protection Ltd, Northolt
Explosion Suppression Systems