Prediction of Process Plant Explosions
University of Sheffield, 3rd June 1992
Dr Jill Wilday, University of Sheffield
Objectives,Quantification and Accuracy in Prediction ofProcessPlant Explosions
D Fletcher, SRD, Culham Laboratory
Steam Explosions; Multiphase Detonations or Deflagrations?
C Catlin, BGMRS, Solihull
Prediction of Pressure generated by Vapour Cloud Explosions
P Guilbert, AEA Industrial Technology, Harwell
Preliminary Predictions of Industrial Explosions using FLOW3D
H Phylaktou, University of Leeds
Prediction of ExplosionReliefRequirement for Long Enclosures based on totally Confined Tests
Miss Y Wu, University of Sheffield
A Mathematical Model of Venting Explosions
N Maddison, Chilworth Technology Ltd, Southampton
Lessons from a Recent Incident Investigation
MGoose, HSE, Major Hazards Assessment Unit, Bootle
Assessment of Explosion Danger in the MHAU’s Advice