In Plant Explosions
Building Research Establishment – Fire Research Station, Borehamwoocd, 5th June 1986
H.C. Jaggers, British Gas Corp- L.R.S., London
Scaling laws for combustion of non-premixed spherical
gas clouds
G. Artingstall, HSE, Explosion and Flame Laboratory, Buxton
An explosion case history
D.J. Lewis, Liverpool
Assessment of design requirements for fast energy releases
D. Crowhurst, BRE, Fire Research Station, Borehamwood
Small scale experiments on dust explosion venting
G.A. Lunn, HSE, Explosion and Flame Laboratory, Buxton
An industrial aluminium dust explosion: Case history
Miss Ochia, BRE, Fire Research Station, Borehamwood
The effect of aluminium ageing on its explosibility
J.F. Griffiths, The University, Leeds
Routes to the assessment of spontaneous ignition hazards in stockpiled materials
Roundtable discussion – report on proceedings of the Euromech 208 meeting on “Explosions in Industry” held in Gottingen, FRG, April 1986.