UKELG 3rd Meeting

Unconfined Vapour Cloud Explosions

Imperial College, Department of Chemical Engineering, 20th December 1993

John Clarke, Cranfield Institute of Technology

Weak or strong ignition? A gas dynamical criterion!

David Lewis, Liverpool

Fundamental burning velocity relationships in spherical vessels

D. Martin, SRD, UKAEA, Warrington

Computer modelling of unconfined vapour cloud explosions

Bob Harris and Martin Vasey, British Gas, MRS, Solihull

Towards a rational explanation of vapour cloud explosions

W.J. Hirst, Shell Thornton Research Centre, Chester

Flame-generated pressure, resulting from combustion of large jet releases of liquid propane

Clive Catlin, British Gas, MRS , Solihull

An acoustic model for predicting the overpressures caused by the deflagration of a ground-lying vapour cloud

Hugh Edwards, University College, Aberystwyth

Critical thickness for detonation transmission

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