UKELG 37th Meeting

Science of Gas Explosions

Leeds University, Tuesday 22 March 2005

Derek Bradley, Leeds University.

Gaseous Explosions Fundamentals

Chris Morley, Leeds University

Calculating Combustion Properties using Gaseq

Vladimir Molkov, Ulster University

LES of Large Scale Explosions: Physics, Numerics and Validation

Andy McIntosh, Leeds University

Pressure Interactions in Gaseous Explosions

StewartCant, Cambridge University

Explosion Modelling in Complex Geometries

Andrezj Pekalsk, Shell Global Solutions, Chester

Numerical Analysis of Negative Temperature Coefficient Hazards to Perfectly

Stirred Reactor Control.

David Bull, UKELG

Fundamental Scope Review of SAFINEX; what else does this meeting think we need ?

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