UKELG 35th Meeting

Experimental Techniques in Explosion Research

Department of Engineering, University of Liverpool, 22 April 2004

Ir Andrzej Pekalski, Delft University of Technology

Determination and modelling of explosion parameters at elevated pressure and/or temperature: SAFEKINEX a European Union research project

Mr Ian Smith, AWE Aldermaston

Experimental techniques employed at AWE for explosion research

Dr Genevieve Langdon, University of Liverpool

Explosive testing of novel fibre-metal laminates

Dr Andy Telford, BNFL Magnox

Blast resulting from pressure vessel failure

Dr Graham Schleyer, University of Liverpool

Pulse pressure testing of scaled steel blast panels

Dr David Pritchard, HSL, Buxton

Experimental techniques employed at HSL for explosion research

Mr Ian Pink, University of Cardiff

Influence of Initial State Conditions on Explosion Quantification

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