UKELG 13th Meeting

Explosions in Flammable Aerosols, Mists and Dusts

Imperial College, London, 17th December 1991

J. Cao, University of Sheffield

Aerosol Particle Sizing in Dense Sprays

D. Glover, Shell TRC

“ILmS”; A New Droplet Sizing Technique

G. Hearn, University of Southampton

Electrostatic Ignition of Aerosols

J. Aston, Cranfield Institute of Technology

Modelling Shockwave Formation in Two-Phase Reactive Systems

M. Johnson, British Gas MRS

A Large Scale Experimental Study of Boiling Expanding Vapour Explosions (BLEVEs)

K. van Wingenden, TNO-CMI

Mist Explosions on Off-Shore Structures

P. Lynch, I.C.I. Explosives

Modelling of Dust Cloud Explosions in Narrow Tubes

G. A. Lunn, HSE

Dust Explosions in Interconnected Vented Vessels

N. Maddison, Chilworth Technology

A Case Study – Incident Investigation of a Dust Explosion

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