Explosions in Flammable Aerosols, Mists and Dusts
Imperial College, London, 17th December 1991
J. Cao, University of Sheffield
Aerosol Particle Sizing in Dense Sprays
D. Glover, Shell TRC
“ILmS”; A New Droplet Sizing Technique
G. Hearn, University of Southampton
Electrostatic Ignition of Aerosols
J. Aston, Cranfield Institute of Technology
Modelling Shockwave Formation in Two-Phase Reactive Systems
M. Johnson, British Gas MRS
A Large Scale Experimental Study of Boiling Expanding Vapour Explosions (BLEVEs)
K. van Wingenden, TNO-CMI
Mist Explosions on Off-Shore Structures
P. Lynch, I.C.I. Explosives
Modelling of Dust Cloud Explosions in Narrow Tubes
G. A. Lunn, HSE
Dust Explosions in Interconnected Vented Vessels
N. Maddison, Chilworth Technology
A Case Study – Incident Investigation of a Dust Explosion