Mitigation, Suppression and Prevention of Explosions
BGMRS Solihull, 8 May 1991
E. Toro, Cranfield
The ‘Weighted Average Flat’ numerical method for
Strong Blast Waves
H. Phylaktou, University of Leeds
The prediction of obstacle induced turbulence factors
A.McIntosh, University of Leeds
Pressure interactions with conventional flames
Y. Wu, Sheffield
Experimental studies of small scale venting explosions
G. Chamberlain, Shell Expro
Mitigation by venting and layout in real offshore modules
P. Timmers, TN a-Rijswijk
Can one allow brush discharges with respect to the prevention of dust explosions?
D. Fletcher, Culham Labs
Avoidance of steam explosions
A. Jones, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Water spray suppression of small scale gaseous explosions
D. Johnson, BGMRS
Mitigation of gas cloud explosions by water sprays
C. Catlin, BGMRS
A simple analysis of the interaction of water sprays with explosions
K. Bray, University of Cambridge
Suppression of explosions by water sprays
D. Bott, University of Cambridge
Effect of water addition of stretch extinction of turbulent flames