Explosions in Industry
University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 21-23 September 1989
Dr Martin Pantony, HSE, Bootle
Explosion Hazards in Industry
Martin Braithwaite, ICI plc
Bubble Collapse: ignition in potentially flammable liquids
Chris Wheatley, SRD, UKAEA, Culcheth
Flame acceleration in 1-D geometries
Herodotos Phylaktou, University of Leeds
Flame propagation, rates of pressure rise and the influence of obstacles in gas explosions in vessels with large L/D ratios
C van Wingerden, TNO, Rijswijk, Netherlands
Flame acceleration due to obstacles and partial confinement and venting of methane-air explosions in a 38.5 m room
Mlle Sylvie Audebert, Gaz de France, La Plaine St Denis, France
Study of explosive properties of inflammable
mixtures by the Shock Tube technique
John Clarke, Cranfield Institute of Technology
Recent progress in theoretical studies of evolution to detonation
Hans Michels, Imperial College, London
The influence of flow in marginal detonation
Michael Hey, HSE, RLSD, Buxton
The effect of vent ducts, their width and the ignition position on full scale dust explosions
Clive Catlin, BGMRS, Solihull
External overpressures caused by a confined, vented explosion
Ake Harmanny, Stuv-Ex International, Antwerp
Hazards from flame jets in vented explosions
George Munday, ISC, London
Blast waves from bursting discs
Mike Johnson, BGMRS, Solihull
Scaling of vapour cloud explosions
Jan Pieter van Zeeuwen, Stuv-Ex Nederland, Antwerp
Blast prediction for vapour cloud explosions