Accelerating Flames
HSE Buxton, 22nd June 1983
Harry Phillips, HSE, Buxton
Towards a two-fluid model for flame acceleration
A.C. Mclntosh, Cranfield Institute of Technology
Second-order theory of unsteady burner- anchored flames
H.L. Gray, University of Southampton
Numerical simulation of 2-D unsteady flames
JohnClarke, Cranfield Institute of Technology
Induction zone evolution behind a shock wave
Peter Taylor, Shell Research Ltd, Thornton
Flame stretch in pipe-like geometry – the existence of steady-state flame speeds.
R.A. Cox, Technica Ltd
Acceleration of flames due to the of rapid distortion turbulence.
W.J. Hirst, Shell Research Ltd, Chester
Small-scale experiments to investigate flame acceleration using soap bubble techniques.
John. Elsworth, Shell Research Ltd
Large-scale combustion trials
Peter Thorne, Fire Research Station
Effect of flame speed on vented explosion pressures.
A.V. Howard, C.E.G.B. Harrogate
Some factors thought to affect the propagation of flames in coal-milling plant