Condensed Phase Explosions
Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, 16th April 2002
Prof. Alan Bailey, RMCS, Cranfield University
Swords into Ploughshares – invited demonstration lecture
Dr. Michael Gifford, University of Cambridge
Type II DDT in condensed phase explosions
Prof. Andy McIntosh, Leeds University
Ignition Phenomena in a reactive solid containing a hotspot
Dr. Bill Proud, Cambridge University
Hot Spots in Ammonium Nitrate
Prof. Bibhu Mohanty, Toronto University
Initiation modes and energy release in non-ideal commercial explosives
Mr. Claude Cunningham, AEL, RSA
Field use and blast measurements of commercial explosives
Dr. Gary Sharpe, Birmingham University
Non-ideal detonations with reversible reactions
Dr. Peter Haskins , Qinetiq
The effect of solid additives on the detonation characteristics of liquid explosives