UKELG 29th Meeting

Survivability of Structures and Personnel to Explosions

University of Liverpool, 10 April 2001

Mr. Martin Goose – HSE

Location and Design of Occupied Buildings

Dr. Graham Schleyer, University of Liverpool

Tools for Evaluating Blast Damage to Structures

Mr. Tony Ennis, HAZTECH Consultants Ltd.

Review of Blast Damage to Various Structures

Mr. Mike Gough, Corus

Steel-Concrete-Steel Structures to Resist Blast

Dr. Geraint Thomas, University of Wales

Magnitude and Duration of Overpressures During DDT

Dr. Jim Sheridan, DERA, Fort Halstead

Weapons Effects on Structures in Kosovo

Dr. Andy Sedman, DERA, Porton Down

Personal Protection and Studies on Human Vulnerability Within Structures

Mr. Steve Holland, AIGIS

Landmine Protection Boots

Mr. John Wyatt, SDS Group

Use of Bomb Shelter Areas Against Terrorist Threats

15.20 Mr. David Jones

Physical And Psychological Effects of a Terrorist Bomb Incident

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