Industrial Combustion Hazards
Joint meeting with the Combustion Institute (British Section)
Leeds University, 14th April 1999
Graham Atkinson, HSL, Buxton
Industrial fires and explosions – the view from the I Chem E accident database
Brian Tyler, S & T Consultants Ltd
Towards quantifying liquid two-phase combustion hazards
Phil Bowen, University of Wales, Cardiff
Burning velocity enhancement in quiescent aerosol flames
Malcolm Lawes, University of Leeds
Ignition by laser – irradiated surfaces
Fred Carlton, Imperial College, London
Explosion hazards in vent collection systems
Tony Ennis, ICI Runcorn and Richard Bambrey, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Explosion development in pipeline systems and linked vessels
Roth Phylaktou, University of Leeds
Models for turbulent gas explosions: development and evaluation from experiments
and case studies
Peter Lindstedt, Imperial College, London