UKELG 19th Meeting

Trends in Explosion Research

University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 22-24 April 1996

22nd April

Prof. John Lee, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal.

A personal perspective of key issues in explosion research.

Dr. P. J. Fearnley, UK HSE Offshore Safety Division, Bootle

Safety on Offshore structures: lessons from the assessment of safety cases??

Dr. A. P. Franks, UK HSE, Major Hazard Assessment Unit (MHAU), Bootle

Current areas of interest for MHAU

Mr. R. C. Santon, HSE, NW Field consultancy group.

Combined Heat and power plants – Gas explosion hazards

Dr. F. P. Nichols, ICI Engineering, Runcorn

Problems in design for fire and explosions – a pragmatic perspective from an engineer

Mr. G. S. Melville, Burgoyne Consultants

Lessons from accident investigations and case studies

Prof. Tedorczyk, University of Warsaw, Poland

Flame acceleration by repeated obstacles

Dr. R. Phylaktou, Department of Fuel and Energy, University of Leeds

Some aspects of explosion research at Leeds

Mr. D. M. Johnson, British Gas Research Centre, Loughborough

Overview of a full scale experimental programme- offshore geometries

Dr. J. Puttock, Shell Research Centre, Thornton

Current Gas Explosion work at Shell

Mr. P. J. Rew, W.S. Atkins, Epsom, Surrey

Flame propagation through non-homogeneous gas clouds

Dr. P. J. Bowen, Dept. Mechanical Engineering, University of Wales, Cardiff

Mist explosions

23rd April

Prof. B. Hjertager, Tel Tek, University of Porsgrunn, Norway

Current capabilities in explosion modelling using CFD

Dr. D. K. Pritchard, HSE, Health and Safety Laboratory, Buxton

Gas explosion models – types, limitations and future needs

Dr. S. Cant, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

Simulation and modelling of turbulent flames and explosions

Dr. A. McIntosh, Dept. Fuel and Energy, University of Leeds

Acoustics- resonances

Dr. A. M. Savill, Department of Engineering, Cambridge

An unstructured adaptive mesh CFD approach to the prediction of explosions

Dr. P, Cleaver, British Gas Research Centre, Loughborough

Mathematical modelling of gas explosions

V. Tam

Use of modelling in design

Dr. H. Michels, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College

Recent research on marginal detonations

Dr. A Milne, FGE Ltd

Modelling of shocks and detonation, including finite rate chemistry

Dr. G.O.Thomas, Department of Physics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth

Current and future detonation research at Aberystwyth

Dr. M. Short, Department of Mathematics, University of Bristol

Linear stability of detonations – recent advances in detonation modelling

Dr. G. Schleyer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Liverpool

Blast response studies at the Liverpool impact research centre

D. Crowhurst, Fire Research Centre

Near field blast effects from vented explosions

Mr. S. Formby, HSE Health and Safety Laboratory, Buxton

Quantification of air-blast from commercial explosives

Dr. L. Absil, TNO, Prins Maurits Laboratories, Netherlands

Far field blasts from vapour cloud explosions and interaction with housing

24th April

Prof. Wolanski

Current research activities on dust explosion worldwide

Dr. G. Lunn, HSE Health and Safety Laboratory, Buxton

Priorities for explosion research at HSE

Dr. J. Gibbins, Department Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College

Measuring volatile yield for coal dust explosion prediction

Dr. D. Dixon, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Brunel University

A new method for arresting underground tunnel explosions

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