Acceleration of Confined and Unconfined Flames
Shell Thornton, Tuesday 20th September 1994
David Bull, Shell Research
An overview of current industrial concerns and of recent research at Thornton
Derek Bradley, Leeds University
Instabilities and turbulence
Geraint Thomas, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Shock-flame interactions; the generation of turbulent flames and transition to detonation
Georgy Makhvifadze, University of Central Lancs and Academy of Sciences, Moscow
The Ufa catastrophe: hydrogen cloud evolution and hydrodynamic consequences
Salah Ibrahim, British Gas
Theoretical and experimental studies of flame acceleration in explosions in cylindrical vessels
Peter Lindstedt and T. Hulek, Imperial College
A study of transient premixed turbulent flames using transported pdf method
Stuart Cant, UMIST
Flamelet reaction rate modelling and validation